Wolfkamp & Stone - Native Flora & Fauna - 1000 Piece Jigsaw Puzzle
Wolfkamp & Stone NZ
Wolfkamp & Stone - Native Flora & Fauna - 1000 Piece Jigsaw Puzzle
Finished jigsaw size: 50 x 70 cm
Full colour printed box showing completed puzzle
Designed by Tanya Wolfkamp / Made in China
Decoupaged from vintage prints, this 1000-piece puzzle showcases our favourite NZ native flora and fauna in rich detail and colour.
The puzzle showcases our favourite flowers, clockwise from top left.
flax / harakeke, mānuka, kauri, Campbell Island daisy, kōwhai, Chatham Islands forget-me-not, Mount Cook lily, tītoki berries, kohekohe flowers, tāwari, nīkau berries, rātā, kohekohe pods, houhere and pōhutukawa.
The moths and butterflies clockwise from top left
graphania nullifera, feredayia graminosa / mahoe stripper moth, hydriomena deltoidata, chrysodeixis eriosoma / garden looper moth, cleora scriptaria / kawakawa looper moth, orocrambus flexuosellus, tmetolophata atristriga, lycaena salustius (female) / common copper butterfly / pepe para riki, selidosema panagrata, aenetus virescenz / pūriri moth / pepe tuna, lycaena salustius (male), planotortrix excessana, eudonia sabulosella, vanessa gonerilla / red admiral butterfly / kahukura.